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Uncovering Talent

Uncovering Talent

By Pamela Hann

The state of Kansas has reached the lowest unemployment in 15 years. People are working, gaining new skills and talents, and providing for their families. It is also a time of a "selective workforce."

Candidates have the prime pick of which employer they would like to talk with. Desperation is a thing of the past.

What are your company’s recruitment needs? Is your team working at maximum capacity? Are you retaining the talent you worked so hard to attract? If not, what is missing?

As you prepare to recruit new talent, identify your company’s needs to customize a plan of action to recruit those that will make your business profitable. Uncovering the “Hidden Talent Market” is a challenge worth pursuing.

Recruiting suggestions to find the hidden talent pool in this market. 

  1. Utilize your state workforce system. The State of Kansas’ workforce system is a hidden gem called KANSASWORKS. The workforce centers are able to help you with exclusive hiring events, job postings and customizing services to fit your needs. KANSASWORKS knows which candidates are passively seeking employment and which are underemployed for their skill set. The employer-driven access to the KANSASWORKS website allows you to post your own job openings, review résumés and check labor market information to remain competitive in today’s market. Jobseekers receive email alerts from KANSASWORKS to learn about your hiring opportunities.

  2. Network. As the saying goes, “good people know good people.” Talk to your top performers—who do they know looking for work? Where do they suggest to recruit from? Don’t stop there, talk to other individuals you respect and trust. Let them know that you are looking, ask them for prospects and encourage them to share your company's opportunities with their friends and associates.

  3. Diversify your workforce. Veterans are returning, older workers are looking for a new challenge, stay-at-home moms are checking back into the workforce, previously incarcerated individuals are returning citizens, and people with disabilities want to work and provide for their families. In addition to benefiting from having a representation of the community, hiring these individuals could qualify your business for Work Opportunity Tax Credit and save your business up to $9,600 on year-end taxes.

  4. Attract talent by engaging on social media. Are you engaging with the potential jobseekers before they are looking? Use social media to connect with talent. Tell them your story, your purpose and your culture to attract them to you. Be aware, potential candidates are watching. If you don’t engage online through social media and your website, they will notice that as well.

  5. Training programs. Does your company need a specialized skill set? Higher education programs will partner with you to provide interns and graduates on a regular basis. Consider working with a university or tech school to develop a customized training program.

Location Selection

Location Selection

A Century of Investing in Downtown: Topeka Blueprint & Supply Co.

A Century of Investing in Downtown: Topeka Blueprint & Supply Co.