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20 Under 40: Jay Loschke

20 Under 40: Jay Loschke

Photo by Nathan Ham

Education: Bachelor in Business Administration with emphasis in Marketing, Washburn University

Hometown: Osage, KS

Age: 34

3 Words: Loyal Confident Organized

Role Model: My role model is my mom. My mom is the epitome of the word brave. While there are a million reasons why my mom is the person I look up to, primarily she is my role model because she doesn’t know the meaning of the word quit even when standing eye to eye with adversity that would have crushed anyone else. She’s the most resilient person I know. She’s the strongest person I know. She’s the most selfless, most kind-hearted lady in the world. She’s made more sacrifices for me and my brother and my sister than could ever be counted. She’s led by example and has taught her children the meaning of caring and the meaning of love. That is why I call Raylene Loschke my role model.

Best Advice Received: “It’s easier to stay out than to get out.” - Anonymous

Superpower: I am very much a “glass half full” kind of person and I strive to bring that attitude out in others through my words and through my actions on a daily basis.

Accomplishments Most Proud Of:

Personal: This is still in its early stages, but I am proud of creating a mentorship program that connects high school and college age students with individuals who can help make those young people aware of the numerous career opportunities that exist around them and subsequently expose them to the financial outcomes of those opportunities.

Career: That I have been able to develop an immeasurable number of relationships that may have started out as strictly professional but have blossomed into lasting friendships and alliances personally.

At this point in your life, what do you know for sure? That tomorrow isn’t promised.

“Jay’s drive and desire to make Topeka a tremendous place to live and work is very commendable. He is civic-minded, business-minded and compassionate for our City.” - Edie Smith, Downtown Topeka, Inc.

“Jay has played an integral role in promoting the city’s attributes to young professionals by serving as chair of the Fast Forward program and by helping formulate a high school mentoring program through his participation in the Leadership Greater Topeka 2015 class. Jay is also an ex-officio Chamber board member, who brings passion and vision to his volunteer endeavors and is committed to enhancing Topeka’s quality of life, particularly with regard to attracting and retaining top talent.” - Kim Gronniger, Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce

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