
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Shanna Simpson

Shanna Simpson

Age: 39
Animal Care Supervisor
Topeka Zoo and Conservation Center

Shanna Simpson is using her passion for animals to build bridges in her community and beyond. Shanna not only oversees the health and welfare of the animals at the Topeka Zoo, but that of her team of trainers as well. Through Shanna’s implementation of enrichment programs, the Topeka Zoo has become a national leader in animal training.

Her ability to create enriching opportunities doesn’t stop with animals at the zoo. In 2012, Shanna founded the Topeka Zoo internship program, which has successfully trained and educated hundreds of aspiring animal care professionals from around the country. She also volunteers at the Helping Hands Humane Society providing education and training to fellow volunteers and youth.

“Learn how to lead your staff as a team,
but also how to lead each individual, since
people are all so different.”

What do you hope your legacy will be?
I hope people see me as someone who found joy in everything I do.

What was your first job?
My first job was a volleyball referee when I was in high school. I learned that people take sports VERY seriously. It taught me how treating people with kindness and respect should even occur in high-stress, competitive sports.

Best advice you have received?
Have faith, follow God, be content, be joyful, be kind, make people laugh, forgive others, don’t be too prideful to apologize and don’t chew with your mouth open. – My Mom

What would your superpower be?
The ability to speak to animals. It would really make my job easy!

20 Under 40: Eric Maydew

20 Under 40: Eric Maydew

Tiffany Noller

Tiffany Noller