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More than 100 Kansas Business Women to Gather Thursday

More than 100 Kansas Business Women to Gather Thursday

Topeka, Kan. - More than 100 Kansas business women from across the state will gather at The Oread in Lawrence Thursday, November 14th, for the Kansas Chamber's 2019 Kansas Women In Business Conference (WIB). The theme for this year's conference is Engage. Inspire. Succeed.

"The purpose of the WIB is to provide opportunities for entrepreneurial and business-minded women in Kansas to improve and hone their leadership skills," said Alan Cobb, the Chamber's President and CEO. This year's WIB will give attendees opportunities to meet and hear from other women leaders and entrepreneurs and to cultivate their business connections by networking and building relationships with other businesswomen."

Founder and president of Chic CEO Stephanie Burns will begin the Engage Session with a discussion focused on her mind-bending practice of "Unreasonable Requests". With a background in brand building, media buying, strategy and entrepreneurship, Stephanie has wide experience with an eclectic portfolio of industries. Just six months after launch, Chic CEO was named as one of the Top 10 Entrepreneurial Websites for Women by Forbes and every year after.

A panel of local experts then will share ways they engage in their communities, their personal brands and careers and with the media to move forward in their lives and careers.

Tara Renze will lead the Inspire Session by taking attendees on a journey to find their purpose and reach their full potential. Tara is a speaker, inspirer, blogger, thought-leader, wife and mother and is redefining how we unleash purpose and create sustainable happiness and success in life. After two decades of success in corporate leadership and social selling, she created this initiative to share her passions and help others live the life they desire, envision and deserve. Her mantra is “Be who you came to be.”

Economist and leadership expert Mary Kelly will wrap up the conference with the Succeed Workshop. An energetic, engaging, and perceptive leadership author and speaker, Commander Kelly provides creative and insightful problem-solving tools that enable her to transform corporate cultures and structures, leading to increased productivity, morale and profits. She will provide WIB attendees actionable takeaways to help them recognize hidden pitfalls and how to avoid them so they can be successful leaders.

Attendees also will enjoy multiple networking opportunities throughout the day to ensure they leave with a new list of contacts and a stack of business cards.

The WIB is open to credentialed members of the media.

You can still register at the door.
Cost to attend the conference is
$50 and will need to be paid upon arrival.


2019 WIB Conference Agenda

9:00 am: Registration, Coffee and Networking
10:00 am: Welcome10:15 am – Noon: Engage Session
Noon – 1:00 pm Lunch and Networking
1:00 - 2:30 pm: Inspire Session
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Networking Break
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm: Succeed Workshop
4:30 pm: Conference Wrap up

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