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Net Promoter Score Indicates Community Attitude in Topeka Improved 43% in the Past Two Years

Net Promoter Score Indicates Community Attitude in Topeka Improved 43% in the Past Two Years

Topeka, KS, November 13, 2019– Through the use of Net Promoter Score, the Greater Topeka Partnership has found that community pride is on the rise. From 2017 to 2019, the city’s Net Promoter Score increased by 21 points. Detractors, those rating Topeka poorly, declined 17.5% and supporters increased by 43%. In total, 52% of Topekans now have a positive view of the Capital City, with 22% identifying as strong promoters of the community. Two years ago, 59% of Topekans had a negative perception of the city, 41% positive.

 Net Promoter or Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an index ranging from -100 to 100 that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company's products or services to others. It is used as a proxy for gauging the customer's overall satisfaction with a company's product or service and the customer's loyalty to the brand. To achieve the score, those who rate the community 0-6 are contrasted against those who rate the city a 9 or 10. This delta is the Net Promoter Score. This compares strong negative impressions to strong positive impressions. 2017 NPS score was -46.54%, 2019 improved to -26.47%, a progression that is in line with the Momentum 2022 goal of being at zero in the next two years.

“This is an important statistical method that is often employed by businesses, not cities.” says Freddy Mawyin, research manager, Greater Topeka Partnership/GO Topeka. “We’ve leveraged the metrics of business to inform the strategy we develop to grow and improve our city.”

“Improving by 21 points in two years is almost unprecedented. This data is a tell-tale sign that public opinion of Topeka is changing,” says Matt Pivarnik, CEO of the Greater Topeka Partnership. “More importantly the community’s public opinion is shifting, evolving. Minds have been changed, and it only took two years. Imagine what the feeling will be in Topeka 10 years from now.”


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