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The Fall 2019 Women’s Forum, hosted by GO Topeka’s Entrepreneurial & Minority Business Development program, is scheduled to take place on Thursday, November 21 at Capitol Plaza Hotel. The theme of this season’s forum is Women in Politics: Leading, Supporting & Growing. The discussion topics will cover growing into political leadership, challenges and opportunities and supporting those who lead.

The panelists for this event include:

Mayor Michelle De La Isla holds the distinction of being Topeka’s first Latina, first single mother and second female to serve as mayor. She previously served on the Topeka City Council from 2013-2018. As mayor, De La Isla serves on the Board of Regents for Washburn University, the Board of the Joint Economic Development Organization, and as tri-chair of GO Topeka’s Momentum 2022 collective action plan for Topeka & Shawnee County.

City Councilwoman Karen Hiller represents District 1; serving in this position since 2009. Within that district, she represents Downtown, 10 active neighborhood associations close to downtown, our riverfront heritage industrial district, various retail corridors, over 30 churches, seven schools and, within that, a wide range of aging but historic buildings and infrastructure.

Jacqueline Lightcap is the office manager at the League of Women Voters of Kansas. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

Dr. Glenda Overstreet-Vaughn is the organizer of Kansas People of Color Political Think Tank and Action Coalition. In 2018, she also served as a senior political fellow for the Kansas Democratic Party. In addition to her active role in politics, Dr. Overstreet-Vaughn is a small business owner and educator at Baker University.

The moderator for this event is Nicole Revenaugh, partner, Irigonegaray, Turney, & Revenaugh, LLP.

This is a complimentary event sponsored by Envista Credit Union. To register for the forum, please visit http:bit.ly/FallWomensForum.

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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Bob Ross at 785.234.2644 or Bob.Ross@TopekaPartnership.com.

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