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Sunee N. Mickle | YWCA Women of Excellence

Sunee N. Mickle | YWCA Women of Excellence

Sunee N. Mickle
Vice President, Government and Community Relations
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, Inc.

Sunee works closely with lawmakers to help them better understand the unique challenges of the state's health care system. She assists them in developing policies that improve access to high quality, affordable health insurance. Mickle volunteers in the community and serves in leadership roles, demonstrating to young people that minorities and women can succeed in business.

TK: What inspires you?
There are so many things that inspire me each day!

I’m inspired by my parents who worked hard for decades to provide financial and emotional support for me and my younger sister. My parents always had full time jobs, but they also managed to volunteer and participate in every extracurricular activity we participated in. They coached my softball team, ran the Pop Warner cheerleading program for my hometown, chaperoned class trips, etc. My parents never complained about juggling their careers with their volunteer commitments. They inspire me to work hard for my family, spend quality time with my daughter, and to volunteer at her school and other organizations. 

I am also inspired by my daughter’s Kindergarten teacher and other early childhood educators that have been in our lives. They are AMAZING!!! I don’t know how they are able to form such strong connections with the children and families in their classrooms while keeping up with the changes in the educational system, school safety and teaching to each child’s individual needs. The energy, creativity and selflessness they share with their students inspire me to think about others first.

TK: What advice do you have for others?
Never allow others—especially your friends or loved ones—to put you down or treat you poorly. You can do anything you put your mind to and you are worthy of respect.

TK: What is the greatest lesson your have learned on your journey?
I believe everyone is presented with at least three life altering opportunities in their personal and professional lives. But those opportunities may require you to take a leap of faith or to do something that is completely outside of your comfort zone. 

I’ve learned to seize those opportunities and never look back. 

You will be more disappointed with yourself if you don’t take the chance to do something big, and you may close the door on an exciting new path in your life.

The YWCA is on a mission to empower women at all stages in their careers. Diversity in leadership is particularly vital to our vibrant business community in the Greater Topeka Area.

The YWCA is celebrating 31 years of recognizing Women of Excellence in our community with the theme “Dare to be Powerful.” We dare to be powerful, despite whatever obstacles may present themselves along the way. 

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
- Audre Lorde

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