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Monique' Glaude  |  YWCA Women of Excellence

Monique' Glaude | YWCA Women of Excellence

Monique' Glaude
Community Engagement Director
City of Topeka

Monique’ was born in Germany and has lived in many places that have shaped her into the woman she is today, including Washington, D.C., the Bay Area and Topeka. Her personal quest is to leave this world better than it was when she arrived. To that end, she serves as the Community Engagement Director for the City of Topeka helping the community thrive. Monique’ loves spending time with her daughter, son and especially, her granddaughter.

TK: What inspires you?
Just as food we eat nourishes and strengthens the body, books I read for inspiration nourish and enrich my mind. I am grateful to my parents for mandating that my siblings and I read on a daily basis while we were growing up. My love of books has afforded me an opportunity to pass the family torch of daily reading to my children and granddaughter.  

TK: What advice do you have for others?
I believe it is imperative to ensure that you have identified your strengths. Once identified, embrace those strengths and live life to the fullest without any apologies. 

TK: What is the greatest lesson you have learned on your journey?
As a teenager my great-grandmother informed me that it was my responsibility to be a servant-leader. I have embraced that adage and devote my daily practices to enrich lives of individuals in the hope that my efforts will ultimately create a more just and caring world.

The YWCA is on a mission to empower women at all stages in their careers. Diversity in leadership is particularly vital to our vibrant business community in the Greater Topeka Area.

The YWCA is celebrating 31 years of recognizing Women of Excellence in our community with the theme “Dare to be Powerful.” We dare to be powerful, despite whatever obstacles may present themselves along the way. 

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
- Audre Lorde

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