Woman of Distinction | Cassandra Taylor
Cassandra joined Architect One in 2007, becoming a principal in 2015. She has experience with architectural firms located in Alaska, Florida, and Kansas. Cassandra is driven by a passion to make a difference, through her work and her interactions with others.
Education & Professional Organizations
Member of American Institute of Architects
National Council for Interior Design Qualifications Certified (NCIDQ)
Intern Study Program at Walt Disney Imagineering, Orlando, Florida
Bachelor of Interior Architecture, Kansas State University, 2000
Topeka South Rotary
Let’s Help Volunteer
Sole Mates Volunteer
Past Board Member & Vice President Shawnee County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Topeka's Top 20 Under 40, 2012
Leadership Greater Topeka, Class of 2012
United Way Christmas Bureau Volunteer
Smurthwaite Alumni Scholarship Chair
Q&A with TK Business
TK: Who has had a tremendous impact on you? How did this person impact your life?
CASSANDRA: In my personal life the person that has impacted my life the most is my mom, Denise Myers. She is supportive in every endeavor. She is my sounding board. She talks me through the moments of fear. And she definitely keeps me grounded (by reminding me that I still need to clean out my fridge or to stop letting the laundry pile up). In my business career the entire staff at Architect One have helped me grow. But if I had to nail it down to one person I would select Mike Wilson, the founder of Architect One. Mike has been a patient and steadfast mentor. He also has talked me through the moments of fear, and guided me down the path to licensure and becoming a business owner. I can confidently say I would not be where I am today without these two people in my life.
TK: What inspires you?
CASSANDRA: People, Music, Nature, Architecture, Books, so many things. I find inspiration every day. I’m often surprised where it comes from. What I’ve realized as I’ve traveled through life, is you just have to be open to seeing it.
TK: What drives you?
CASSANDRA: I want to look back on my life and think “at least I tried.” I may not be successful in everything I do, but at least I got out there and I tried.
TK: What advice do you have for others?
CASSANDRA: For women; Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. Stop apologizing for existing, having thoughts, and taking up space. For all people; If something makes you uncomfortable, you probably need to get real about things and confront that thing until it no longer makes you uncomfortable. Educate yourself. Find the truth, not just the one that makes you happy to hear and fits in your bubble. Be fair to everyone, including yourself. Admit to your mistakes. Fix them when you can. Be prepared for the worst case, and expect something better. Know that at some point you will fail, and it will hurt. Also know that you will survive it if you keep fighting for what you want. And finally, leave it better than you found it.
TK: What is your theme song?
CASSANDRA: As an avid consumer of music this was a very difficult question to answer. I finally settled on the song “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys. The last few years have been transformational years for me, physically and mentally, and that made this song particularly appropriate for my theme song.