First Job Series: Darin Loewen
First Job:
Farmhand | My Father, Dick Loewen
Age 10 | $0 (I got to eat.)
I fed and watered 150 head of cattle, cut and hauled hay, and assisted with all aspects of row crop farming for 1,000 acres.
Why this Job?
I was born into this job. As a fourth generation Kansas farmer, it was always expected of me to work on the farm from the time I could pick up a feed bucket.
Best Memory
Unlike other teenagers who had jobs because they were saving up for a car or to be able to do something fun, I didn’t earn money working on the farm, so my memories are about listening to my friends plan a day at World’s of Fun or at the lake, knowing I wouldn’t be joining them because my day would be spent on a tractor.
Life Lesson
You didn’t stop working until the job you were working on was complete. That included putting equipment away and cleaning up. Sometimes that meant my work day didn’t end until almost morning.
Teen Advice
No matter what job you have, take pride in your work. Strive to do it better than anyone has ever done it before. Regardless of whether you are cleaning out a chicken coop or designing a mobile app, give it everything you have.