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7 Quick Social Media Tips for Your Business

7 Quick Social Media Tips for Your Business

I recently had a colleague ask me to share some of my thoughts and tips regarding social media—here’s my response back.


Social media is a relationship building opportunity. It gives you a platform to show your values, your purpose and your personality faster than you can do any other way. Don’t sell your products, sell you – your mission, vision and philosophy, then you can throw in the promotion of your products and services. You are not PUSHING values, mission, vision, etc, you are SHOWING it by the posts you make the voice you have. 

You can be snarky like Wendy’s, a friend like Envista, or informational like TK Business Magazine. Be you. Stay true and authentic and people will follow and participate.


You have to have a plan for posts that go out on a regular schedule so that when you get busy, your posts don’t just stop. Schedule out for a month. Not sure what to post – find expert pieces, motivational quotes, things that make you smile, YOUR Content!!, past content that you can breathe new life into. You can find it. I recommend having a daily post. 

But that doesn’t mean you are done. On top of this plan, you have to post daily – just like you would as a person on social media.


If you are excited about happenings in the community, share it. If you like high school sports, share it. If you like motivational quotes, share it. If a partner has a great post, share it. It’s more than what you post, it’s the willingness to be a part of the bigger picture and show what you value. 


Tag the businesses you talk about. Get permission from your staff and be sure to tag them in photos. By tagging people and businesses, the reach of your post increases and the person or business getting tagged, feels the love.


Come on you know this. Don’t share what is offensive to people. If there are two polarizing sides, then your business has no business being a part of it.


For every post, you usually get those that already like your company, but you also get those that saw your post and liked it. Go in and review all your likes and ask those that are not already followers to Like you page (just click the button “INVITE”). Don’t wait, do it quickly while they are already liking you.


This might be a bummer but what you say personally is what your business is saying as well. As a business owner or CEO or any person in the company, when you post political commentary, inappropriate photos of yourself or others, “funny” –not so funny comments or shares, you are saying what you really value. If you think people aren’t paying attention… you are wrong, but you might never know, because those potential clients or customers have already decided not to do business with you.

New Groups give Teens Hands On Career Experiences

New Groups give Teens Hands On Career Experiences

Sammie Schurig Joins the TK Business Magazine Team

Sammie Schurig Joins the TK Business Magazine Team