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20 Under 40: Hannah Naeger

20 Under 40: Hannah Naeger

Through her dental practice, Hannah provides essential care to her patients, including referrals from the Topeka Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Shawnee County Medical Society HealthAccess. She also speaks with students at USD 501 and the local GSA Troupe 3714 about oral care, conditions, and working in healthcare because she recognizes the importance of encouraging youth to pursue careers that will continue to improve society.

Hannah represents the sixth district of the city of Topeka on the Topeka City Council. She listens to citizens and fights for improvements to help make Topeka a safer and healthier city for all citizens and an attractive place for businesses to invest

For Hannah, the key to Topeka’s success is developing a culture that encourages talented, young Topekans to remain in the community:

“We need to raise Topeka kids to grow and flourish so that one day they can give back to this community. I was one of those kids, and I hope I can serve as a role model to those who believe that they can make a true difference in their hometown.” 

What’s one item you want to own, but you don’t?

A set of encyclopedias (or encyclopediae, if you so choose). As a kid, I would get lost in flipping through the pages of a library's resource materials. In searching for the capital of Laos, I would get waylaid by an entry on lemurs or the strange properties of lead. It was a fantastic way to stumble across new things and pique my interest in different subjects. It would be a completely impractical purchase but not one I would regret.

What goal are you still working toward?

Creating a better and more equitable community. Growing up, my parents taught us that leading full and complete lives is based on the love you show yourself and the love you show others. 

What do you love most about your work?

I love the relationships I have with my dental team and with our patients. I am so proud of the work we provide and the friendships we are able to cultivate with the different patients we see throughout each year. 

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20 Under 40 Jessica Neumann-Barraclough

20 Under 40 Jessica Neumann-Barraclough

20 Under 40: Haley DaVee

20 Under 40: Haley DaVee