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20 Under 40 Jessica Neumann-Barraclough

20 Under 40 Jessica Neumann-Barraclough

Jessica brings a strong work ethic and collaborative and strategic spirit to any team she is on. In the past six months, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Jessica has helped connect more than 750 volunteers with over 75 agencies in our community to help. 

Jessica says her most significant leadership accomplishment is “helping others rise.” Whether mentoring and helping students at Washburn or working with the volunteers and families she meets through her role with the United Way, she takes great pride in elevating others. 

“Topeka has provided me an opportunity to support others through volunteerism and leadership development and it has provided me a family and a place to call home.” 

What brings you joy?

My children’s laughter and reading them a book. It doesn’t matter how rough of a day or moment I might have had, those two things bring me back to my happy place. It hard to read a children’s book mad…you should try it.  

What motivates you?

I tell people that at my core I have a responsibility to engage and help and do it well. I will do what I say I will do. I keep my promises, and if I am late on something, it sort of eats at my soul. I want to help individuals become a better version of themselves.

What is your favorite local business in Topeka?

I think one place I always call my happy place is Happy Bassett. It has a good local feel, music, food, people and great beer all in one place. It is kiddo friendly and dog friendly, and I appreciate that they partner with many other local businesses to give back or to provide an opportunity for those businesses to be successful too.

What cartoon Character Best represents you?

Wonder Woman. She is smart and strong. She doesn’t let others get in her way of doing what is right for others. She seeks justice for those who are not being heard. She is someone who will tell it like it is and then do something about it. 

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20 Under 40: John Calvert

20 Under 40: John Calvert

20 Under 40: Hannah Naeger

20 Under 40: Hannah Naeger