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20 Under 40: Rachel Ault

20 Under 40: Rachel Ault

Rachel impacts the health of kids throughout Shawnee County and the region. On any given day, you may find her advocating for the needs of kids and families within the hospital, mentoring and training new nurses, or working with the Stormont Vail Foundation’s Children’s Miracle Network team to identify new ways they can support kids and families facing medical challenges.  

 Rachel is a member of the Society of Pediatric Nurses, a Pediatric Advanced Life Support Instructor, and chairs the Stormont Vail Research & Evidence Based Practice Council. She also led the effort to help Stormont Vail become a Certified Safe Sleep Hospital. 

Rachel’s commitment to the health of kids extends beyond the walls of the hospital. She is the co-coordinator of the Safe Kids Shawnee County coalition and serves on the Healthy Babies workgroup for Heartland Healthy Neighborhoods. As a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician, she facilitates monthly car seat check lanes to help families travel as safely as possible with their children in the car.

“I’m passionate about the health and wellbeing of kids and believe that this is my way of contributing to our community!”

What fictional world would you want to live in? 

I would live in the wizarding world! I would use my magical powers to clean my house and other tasks and be so much more productive!

What is the biggest professional goal that you’ve accomplished?

I was a non-traditional nursing student, so I started my nursing career as an Associate Degree Nurse. It was really important to me to go further my education, so the next step for me was to complete my Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing. I was working full-time and balancing family, so it was rewarding to persevere through that and obtain my BSN. 

What goal are you working toward? 

I am currently working on getting my Master’s degree. I am completing my MBA/MSN dual degree at MidAmerica Nazarene University and will graduate mid 2022.

What do you love most about your work? 

I love the variety. As a pediatric nurse, I get to experience almost all of the developmental stages of life, so no two patients are ever truly the same. As the manager, I get to work on so many different projects with people all throughout the organization

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