
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Leadership Greater Topeka: Rockell Otero

Leadership Greater Topeka: Rockell Otero

TK: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? Teleportation. I spend a lot of time to and from. I could be so much more efficient with my time management if a snap of the fingers would take me where I needed to be. Corporate meeting one second, beaches of Fiji the next. 

TK: What is your theme song? Bohemian Rhapsody – because its full of emotion, chaos, fun, and as Roger Taylor called it, a little bit of nonsense in the middle. My family has had some memorable singalongs to this song.

TK: What motivates or inspires you? 

My family. So much of who I am and what I do is driven by my family. They are my biggest supporters and I work very hard to make them proud and to provide for them. I strive to be a positive role model for my children and do my best to live an altruistic life, hoping that my children will follow in my steps.  

TK: How has the current situation impacted your thoughts on leadership?

The importance of a leader being able to communicate effectively really stands out to me during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is fear and uncertainty in the air and as a leader, it is their job to set a tone of calm and perspective. How an organization treats its employees during a crisis speaks volumes to its morals and integrity.

 TK: What will you do differently after the pandemic?

This is a long list for me. I will certainly value my social interactions more dearly. I miss my daily interactions with co-workers, my weekend get togethers with friends or family, and play dates for my kids. I will do better to shop small business. Watching small businesses suffer during the pandemic hurts. I want to do a better job supporting them now and when we get back to our new normal. I will be more grateful to those who are essential workers. Healthcare providers, grocery store clerks, environmental service workers, teachers and so many more. I will vote for elected officials who can lead during a time of crisis. Who are compassionate. Who prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of its constituents. Who will advocate for healthcare access and better pay/benefits for those who deliver our basic needs but are low wage earners.  I will continue to be less wasteful and to be more self-sufficient/sustaining.

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Leadership Greater Topeka: Robert Bush

Leadership Greater Topeka: Robert Bush

Abbey Frye - Leadership Greater Topeka

Abbey Frye - Leadership Greater Topeka