
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Leadership Greater Topeka: Ron Ekis

Leadership Greater Topeka: Ron Ekis

TK: What is the most important characteristic that every leader should possess? Why?

Empathy – As a leader, we need to recognize and understand how all our employees feel and what is important to them.  “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care”.  (Stole that quote from somewhere!)

TK: What was your first job and what did you learn from it?

I worked in mess hall at Fort Carson, Colorado. I had a habit of calling in sick frequently so I could hang out with my friends after school.  I learned that when I did so, it affected my co-workers’ ability to get the job done efficiently when they were a person short.  I also learned you won’t be employed very long.

TK: What motivates or inspires you?

My family, I want to do the best I can to provide for my wife and children.  Even though both my parents have passed, thinking about the values they instilled motivates me to do the right thing each and every day and that family comes first and foremost.

TK: How has the current situation impacted your thoughts on leadership?

True leaders emerge from times of crisis and most often, it is not those with titles.  It is those on the front lines who are doing what is needed behind the scenes, getting all of the work done, and without complaint or recognition.

TK: What will you do differently after the pandemic?

Not take anything for granted.  I have a great appreciation for all those who continued to work -  in every industry- during this time of crisis and who made personal sacrifices to keep this community in motion and safe.

Leadership Lessons Learned Along the Way

Leadership Lessons Learned Along the Way

KDOT Announces $234M Polk-Quincy Viaduct Rebuild in Downtown Topeka; GTP and Community Leaders Praise Effort

KDOT Announces $234M Polk-Quincy Viaduct Rebuild in Downtown Topeka; GTP and Community Leaders Praise Effort