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KDOT Announces $234M Polk-Quincy Viaduct Rebuild in Downtown Topeka; GTP and Community Leaders Praise Effort

KDOT Announces $234M Polk-Quincy Viaduct Rebuild in Downtown Topeka; GTP and Community Leaders Praise Effort

A $234M reconstruction project of the Polk-Quincy Viaduct in Downtown Topeka was announced today during the Kansas Department of Transportation’s Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program (IKE) announcement, made by Governor Kelly and  KDOT Secretary Julie Lorenz. This project is among the first of IKE’s major highway projects for the development pipeline to be announced. As this rebuild was a main priority to Downtown Topeka, Inc. and the Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce, these Greater Topeka Partnership entities weighed in on this exciting news.

 “Today’s announcement is an exciting win for Topeka, for Northeast Kansas and for the entire State which is served by Interstate 70. We are very grateful to Secretary Lorenz and her team, especially Deputy Secretary Lindsey Douglas, for shepherding this fair and methodical process,” said Curtis Sneden, president of the Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce. “Of course, we are thankful to Governor Kelly for her leadership and support for this hugely important transportation project.  This is an example of state government working and working well.”

 Sneden continued, “Today’s result would not have happened without the focused efforts over many months of the group we came to call ‘TEAM Topeka.’ This band of champions included Mayor De La Isla, our county commission, especially Commissioner Mays, staff from the City, especially City Manager Brent Trout and the County, our City Council, especially Councilwoman Hiller and Councilman Dobler, our Chamber Board leadership Gary Yager, Mark Rezac, Terry Neher, our special consultant, Joe Ledbetter and many others who played key roles in making the case for the Polk-Quincy Viaduct throughout last summer and fall.  Even our colleagues in the METL communities (Manhattan, Emporia, Topeka and Lawrence) weighed-in throughout the process in support of the Polk-Quincy Viaduct.  This proves what this community can accomplish when we set our sights on a goal and go after it together.”

 “We are elated with today’s announcement,” said Vince Frye, president of Downtown Topeka, Inc. “We have waited years for the improvement of the Polk-Quincy Viaduct. It will enhance the safety of those traveling through along I-70. It also allows for the downtown redevelopment efforts to continue in an area that has been in limbo as we waited for this project to be approved.”

 “It’s always an excellent feeling to see a long-term project come to fruition,” said Topeka Mayor Michelle De La Isla. “There are so many key players within the City, County and the State that made this possible. We also can’t forget our volunteer leadership and community partners that devoted their time to this crucial upgrade to our highway transportation system. I thank each and every one of you for your tireless work and efforts.”

 To watch to the virtual IKE Program announcement that took place today, click here.

Leadership Greater Topeka: Ron Ekis

Leadership Greater Topeka: Ron Ekis

Topeka Foundry & Iron Works to Expand in Topeka with a Total Economic Impact Up to $208M

Topeka Foundry & Iron Works to Expand in Topeka with a Total Economic Impact Up to $208M