
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Leadership Greater Topeka: Tara Wallace

Leadership Greater Topeka: Tara Wallace

TK: Who is your hero(s)? Why? 
My son Tavian. He is one of the most brilliant individuals I know. He was diagnosed with Asperger as a child and has overcome many obstacles to become the amazing young man he is today. Raising a child with autism was not an easy task, and I made many mistakes along the way. Now that he is an adult, Tavian has been reflecting on his experience of growing up with autism. The most memorable conversation we had involved him apologizing for how difficult he was sometimes. I reminded him that the things we did wrong were because we were learning, not because we wanted to cause harm. Watching Tavian face challenges head on and learning to be comfortable as an adult living with autism inspires me daily.

TK: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why? 
Reading minds. I work with individuals, primarily children, who struggle to put their feelings into words. If they have the words, it is not always safe for them to be expressed. Instead they act them out in the hope that someone will look beyond that behavior to understand what it is they are trying to communicate, and then hold on to all of that so they can feel safe again. I would use my superpower to create that space until they are ready to mend.

TK: What is your theme song? 
My theme song is “Bravo” by Ledisi – It’s bold and empowering, like me. It talks about loving yourself and strengthening that relationship. It talks about celebrating yourself and encouraging others to do the same.

TK: How has the current situation impacted your thoughts on leadership?The current situation has reinforced my thoughts on leadership. Specifically, the importance of being willing to listen and learn from others who are not in leadership to reach a common goal. While we all might be experts in a particular field, this pandemic challenges that because what we do know is significantly outweighed by what we don’t. COVID-19 has leveled the playing field so much that we must think and act collectively to survive. Great leadership is recognizing this fact and responding accordingly.

TK: What will you do differently after the pandemic?I have always lived to appreciate every moment for what it is and will continue to do so afterwards. Different? I will take advantage of opportunities to connect with others however they present themselves. Reach out to I participated in a virtual birthday party last night and enjoyed it almost as much as being there physically. Those things should never be taken for granted again.

Leadership Greater Topeka: Mackenzi Mondesir

Leadership Greater Topeka: Mackenzi Mondesir

Call of Doody: Johnny on the Job

Call of Doody: Johnny on the Job