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Breakthrough Business Award Winner | Darlene Morgan

Breakthrough Business Award Winner | Darlene Morgan

TK: What does this honor mean to you both personally and professionally?

Darlene: This honor means that God is truly at work in my life.  It's personal to me because of my children; I want to show them that with God all things are possible but you also must persevere and believe in yourself too.

It also means much to me to be recognized by the community.  As females we have so many roles in life and it’s important to support one another as we navigate this life and keep working toward our dreams.

TK: How would you describe your leadership style?

Darlene: I think my leadership style is fluid.  It depends on who I am leading.  Some need a little more encouragement than strictness and others need the alternative. It’s so hard to correct someone but I know if I don’t I am doing a disservice to their growth. If they are here working along side us, we have a duty to be a role model to them, so I do my best to remember that through my actions.  I tell each of the younger workers - this is a stepping stone.  We want them to learn all they can aside from just making coffee; so they can take that out into the world when they pursue a career or something else. 

I do think it needs to be about how well you know who you are leading.  I try to get to know our team on a personal level so I can relate to what they might be going through. I think of where I was at the age of many of our workers, and what I needed; so I give much grace when there are mistakes. 

TK: Who has inspired you the most throughout your journey?

Darlene: So many have inspired me.  From local business leaders to actors, singers … but honestly the ones who inspire me the most are my 4 children. My son and I have gone through so much, so to see him give me grace as a mom when I was making some bad choices, inspires me to stay on this road to live better. To show him and others change is absolutely possible.  

Raising 3 girls on my own and seeing how vibrant and brave they are through so much is impactful to me. How they approach life after their dad died inspires me to live a life of hope - no matter what.  It’s not always easy, but their own individual way encourages me to be strong. 

Also, 2 sisters and brother, who have passed from cancer have been my inspiration.  They each contributed to our community in their own way through education, music and the health care field.  I am living this life to the fullest for them.

TK: What is one piece of advice you have for young females at the beginning stages of their careers?

Darlene: You have to keep going - even during the difficult days. Be real with yourself and adopt the knowledge that it is absolutely not going to be easy all the time.  You’re going to have some joyous moments but you’ve got to get through some stumbling along the way to get there otherwise you won’t learn.  This has been incredibly true for me.

Each obstacle along the way helps you to build that fire within. 

Surround yourself with others who are also on a mission. We are all on this earth to help one another, so as you encourage others, it will build your own confidence and you’ll be doing the same for someone else.

Above all, keep faithful. God hears your prayers and answers them.  He may not do it the way you think He should or when you think He should, but have no doubt that He is listening. Timing is everything so be patient and give yourself much grace.

TK: If you could have one superpower what would it be?

Darlene: The power of happiness, kindness, hope and contentment.  Every single person I came in contact with I would encourage these qualities to them. 

I think as a society, we tend to dwell on more of the difficult times; even I am guilty of this. I can forget how much God has done in my life when I’m going through a tough time; but if I am still and think back to some of my worse days, I see how blessed I have been.  I wish many days I had been kind when I was having a bad day because if I had been, many moments could have gone another direction. So I live and learn and I want others to believe this too.

We are all going to have some crummy days, but it is how we approach and react to those days that makes all the difference in ourselves and others whom we come in contact with. 

We have to learn to be content with where we are and trust where God has us; not just in our days but even in minutes and hours. Just do your best to embrace your moments.

More 2021 Women of Influence Honorees Here

Breakthrough Business Award Winner | Leslie Fleuranges

Breakthrough Business Award Winner | Leslie Fleuranges

Emeritus Award Honoree | Kak Eli-Schneider

Emeritus Award Honoree | Kak Eli-Schneider