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Breakthrough Business Award Winner | Leslie Fleuranges

Breakthrough Business Award Winner | Leslie Fleuranges

TK: What does this honor mean to you both personally and professionally?

Leslie: It has always been important to me to be a role model of for young women, especially up and coming African-American women. This honor means that perhaps some young lady will see me receive this honor and believe that one day she can achieve this honor as well!   

TK: How would you describe your leadership style? 

Leslie: I would say I my leadership style is a combination of Autocratic and Servant styles.  As I have gotten older, my patience has waned.  So, when there is a big project to get done, I want it done my way AND I will help in any way I can to make sure it gets done the way I think best.  I’m open to feedback, but unless it is more effective or efficient, it’s going my way!  Probably not the best style for all employees – but it is the way I am wired!  

TK: Who has inspired you the most throughout your journey? 

Leslie: My Aunt Wanda, she was my moms’ best friend and she had a job in corporate America buying advertising at an advertising agency.  Back then, very few women had that kind of position, and even less African-American women.  I was so impressed with her confidence and sense of entitlement – she just always acted like she belonged where ever we were.  People could not deny her.  When she walked in the room, everyone noticed because she just exuded class!!  Like my Mom, she was the epitome of class, mega-style and intelligence.  Best of all, she was the most generous person I knew. 

TK: What is one piece of advice you have for young females at the beginning stages of their careers?

Leslie: Keep Your Eyes Wide Open! In college you think you know what you want to do for a living.  But often by the time you graduate, that dream has morphed into something different.  Once you do land your first job, “keep your eyes and ears open” …look at what people do vs. what they say, observe what is going on and decide where you can fit in and can add value.  If you determine at any stage that you are not adding value and you don’t feel challenged, use your eyes and ears to recalibrate, investigate and move on to the next journey.   

TK: What makes you laugh? 

Leslie: My dog Mimi makes me laugh! She loves to greet every person she meets and is so happiest when she does it. Everyone she meets loves her immediately and they eventually have stories about her they like to tell. When she looks at me with her snaggle tooth smile – I just laugh, because that smile reminds me of the character Festus on Gunsmoke! At other times she looks like my Grandma Babe giving me the ‘eye’ which means “What exactly do you think you’re doing Leslie??? Hysterical! It just amazes me that my dog can channel people I have seen, met, loved or miss.

More 2021 Women of Influence Honorees Here

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Women of Influence | Melissa Brunner

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Breakthrough Business Award Winner | Darlene Morgan