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Community Service | Lauren Tice Miller

Community Service | Lauren Tice Miller

TK: What does this honor mean to you both personally and professionally?

Lauren: The nomination alone was an honor to me, both personally and professionally. To be the recipient of the award means everything. It is proof that hard work, determination, persistence, and collaboration matters, and it does not go unnoticed. 

TK: How would you describe your leadership style? 

Lauren: I would describe my leadership style as collaborative and empathetic. I listen to all sides of an issue and ask questions before making a final decision. I work to find a solution that is truly the best option for the greatest number of people.

I am willing to compromise; leadership is not about always getting what you want. Instead, it is about finding a common ground and being able to move forward to help others. 

I accept that I do not know everything nor am I always right, and as such I value building relationships with others and remaining a life-long learner. Everyone has their own perspectives, experiences, and expertise. I am not afraid to rely on others to help me learn what I do not know, even if it means changing my opinion on an issue.

I show grace to others during challenging times. This has been particularly prudent this past year as we all work to overcome our own challenges, and cope with the grief and trauma that has come from this pandemic. 

TK: Who has inspired you the most throughout your journey? 

Lauren: My children. I not only want to work to make things better for them and their generation, but I want them to learn from my example that they deserve a seat at the table, they can use their voices for good, and they can do hard things.

TK: What is one piece of advice you have for young females at the beginning stages of their careers?

Lauren: Don’t let the opinions of others define you or stifle your ambition. People will tell you can’t do it or that you shouldn’t do it. They might even question your motives. Stay focused. Believe in yourselves. And keep moving forward one step at a time.

TK: If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?

Lauren: Malala Yousafzai

More 2021 Women of Influence Honorees Here

Outstanding Entrepreneur | Cheryl Clark

Outstanding Entrepreneur | Cheryl Clark

Distinguished Mentor Award | Rhonda Harris

Distinguished Mentor Award | Rhonda Harris