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Outstanding Entrepreneur | Cheryl Clark

Outstanding Entrepreneur | Cheryl Clark

TK: What does this honor mean to you both personally and professionally?

Cheryl: Hard work truly pays off. It has been a difficult year for me personally however I didn’t allow that to discourage me professionally. Bringing the right people alongside you matters. The courage to take risk, believe in yourself and make bold decisions is vital to long term success. I didn’t allow anything to stop me or slow me down. Because of that our business has received exposure I didn’t expect, and we continue to grow rapidly. 

TK: How would you describe your leadership style?

Cheryl: I am literally a hands-on leader. I do every aspect of the job while empowering our staff to make decisions and absorb as much knowledge about the business that they can run every component effectively without me. I am committed to personal development. Believe it  or not I am working my way out of a job.      

TK: Who has inspired you the most throughout your journey?  

Cheryl: My mother, she raised three children alone. I understood what challenges looked like early in my life, at the same time I watched her successes. She instilled faith, prayer, and love in our home.  This taught me how to navigate and become who I am today. Although she passed away this year, I gleam from her inspiration and persevere. 

TK: What is one piece of advice you have for young females at the beginning stages of their career?

Cheryl: It is imperative to have integrity, building healthy relationships are the key to your success. Customers and colleagues are looking for the honest community business leader whom they can trust and depend on. When building the correct relationships your name will be mentioned in rooms you are never in and others will learn of who you are. On the other side it brings referrals that you directly didn’t work to receive. 

TK: If I could have lunch with anyone in the world it would be. 

Cheryl: Preston Bailey- he is a renowned artist with his larger that life public exhibits who transforms spaces into theatrical environments.

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