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Rising Star | Grace Clinton

Rising Star | Grace Clinton

TK: What does this honor mean to you both personally and professionally?

Grace: This has been an incredibly humbling and powerful opportunity for me. I never saw myself as doing anything special, just doing my duty to my community and to those I share it with. This honor really illuminated that if you follow your heart, take the road in front of you, and do the next right thing – it matters. I am so excited and honored for any opportunity to get to highlight the animals and the mission of Helping Hands Humane Society and represent an organization that I care about so deeply on such a city-wide scale.

TK: How would you describe your leadership style? 

Grace: I definitely believe in leading my example. I believe being willing to make a real and true difference involves getting our boots dirty. There is no job too big or too small that I am willing to do if it will help those that I share a community with. In order to inspire and motivate others, it’s imperative to show them that you are right alongside them not just watching the work being done. 

TK: Who has inspired you the most throughout your journey? 

Grace: Honestly, the dedication of volunteers has been most inspiring. Not just at the humane society but across our city. There are so many people who give of their time, without pay or accolade or reward, day after day because their cause matters enough to them to dedicate themselves to it and wholeheartedly and they are willing to give their all to it. This selflessness is so inspiring to me and I feel a sense of duty to join them in their passion and cause. 

TK: What is one piece of advice you have for young females at the beginning stages of their careers?

Grace: Keep an open mind. You never know where your career may take you. I had started my journey on a business scholarship and switched to Human Services because my heart told me that helping people was more my calling. In an irony, I have circled back around to a business position that I could never have predicted. Opportunities may pop up and they may not make sense at the time, but they are part of your lessons and part of your becoming. Don’t get set on thinking it will be a linear road. Finally, look to other women who have gone before you or done a project before or have been incredibly successful. Ask them for help. These aren’t your competition, these are your mentors. There are so many amazing and wonderful women nearby and there is an eagerness to stick together and raise one another.

TK: What would your current life #hashtag be? 


I seem to use this a lot when posting about the latest shenanigans one of my pets is doing or something outlandish happening that has made me laugh. Those who spend time around me might also use this describe my entire existence, LOL. 

TK: What is your favorite app and why?

Grace: Lately, the Home Depot app. We have been doing many home improvement projects this year and DIY projects and I like to check out the latest pricing and inventory before getting started on the next project.

TK: If you could have one superpower what would it be? 

Grace: The ability to remember anything and have photographic memory so that I can stop sending myself constant e-mails. 

TK: If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?

Grace: Without a doubt, Dolly Parton! I love her so much!

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Emeritus Award Honoree | Kak Eli-Schneider

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Outstanding Entrepreneur | Cheryl Clark