
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Doing the Unimaginable

Expert Advice from Phelica A. Glass, LSCSW, GCCA-C, FAAGC, CSOTP

Allow me a moment for transparency. As many of you know, I am a mental health therapist. As I write this article, I have been battling a severe cold for about a week, (no it’s not Covid-19, I was tested). Within the last 14 days I have had three relatives die and, let me just be honest; parenting teens, being a wife, a daughter and a business owner during this pandemic has not been easy. I stress to everyone the need to rest, take good care of yourself and spend time with those who love you. Well guess what, even with taking my own advice, I am downright exhausted. Aren’t you?

If you are being honest with yourself, you said "Yes."


The last 11 months have been mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting for every single human; no one is exempt. At this point, everyone you know knows someone who has lost someone due to Covid-19. In some way, you have been impacted by the unrest in our country, be it political or social. People are severing ties from lifelong friends, co-workers and family members over differences of opinions and beliefs.

You have endured it ALL. Everyone around you has endured it ALL. All while attempting to meet the expectations that are asked of and required of you. You have endured it ALL while holding your head up, pushing the tears back and likely holding someone close to you on a shoulder. You ARE doing the unimaginable.


And what do you get in return? For some, it may have been a nice holiday bonus, pandemic pay, a gift card, food box, or maybe even a thank you card. All of those things are amazing and appreciated. However, if you have been fortunate enough to maintain employment through it all and understand that your company is not able to financially provide any of those tangible items, at the very least, you desire a sincere check-in and thank you from management.


Ask them. Employees will tell you what they need if you ask them. Once you have the answer, respond with action. If basic needs are not met, no task can be complete.

Be consistent with your behavior and your intentions. Practice what you preach.

Listen with compassion and be attentive. Turn off the camera, put down the phone and see them with your whole self.

Honor confidences. Trust is the key to loyalty.

Be vulnerable. It’s okay to be human. Shared experiences build relations.

Navigating Leadership

Navigating Leadership

Expansion: Custom Dredge Works Inc.

Expansion: Custom Dredge Works Inc.