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Danielle Hall | YWCA Women of Excellence

Danielle Hall | YWCA Women of Excellence

TK: What inspires you?

DANIELLE: I find inspiration in so many things throughout my day. It can be something as simple as the positive energy of a particular person, group of people, or even a circumstance or decision. If I walk into the room and notice the energy is down, I make sure I bring the positive energy to hopefully inspire others. Overcoming challenges and obstacles and knowing you can make a positive impact can also be a big motivator. For instance, when a circumstance calls on me to use my creativity or lean on innovation to provide solutions, it inspires me to be better and to ensure the organization I am working for is also trying to be better.

TK: What have you learned about yourself through the challenges of the past year and a half?

DANIELLE: I have learned the importance of granting yourself some grace. For a lot of women, including myself, we tend to be our own worst critic and we can be extremely hard on ourselves. The challenges of the last year and a half have shown me that I am not perfect and that it is OK, because no one is perfect. Rather than dwelling on what is often my own perceived mistakes, I’ve made a conscious effort to focus on how to bounce back quickly rather than beat myself up about it. I have also learned that it is important to appreciate the small wins. This has gone a long way in helping me build my own resiliency and shift my mindset, ultimately building confidence in myself and making me a better leader and mentor for others.

TK: How do you take care of yourself?

DANIELLE: It is important to make self-care a priority, so my one non-negotiable is starting my day off with uninterrupted time for physical exercise. For me, this time is not only good for my physical health, but it is also good for my mental health. It is a time when I can clear my mind of all the clutter and get centered. It is also a time for me to let go and release the stresses of my day or week. I think it is important for women to have their non-negotiables when it comes to self-care, because taking care of yourself ensures you are protecting your own well-being and creating the mental space to operate at your best self in both your personal and professional life.

TK: What is the best advice you've ever been given? Or what advice do you have for others?

DANIELLE: Be confident and trust your instincts. In the moment know that you are drawing upon your knowledge and experiences when making those decisions, so don’t second guess yourself.

TK: What is your vision for our community? Has it changed through the pandemic and racial justice reckoning of 2020?

DANIELLE: My vision for our community is that we continue to work towards and achieve an environment that fosters positive experiences and allows individuals to feel connected to their community, as well as supported by their community including feeling safe, healthy, and having equitable opportunities.

TK: The mission of YWCA is to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. What does YWCA's mission mean to you?

DANIELLE: The YWCA’s mission is fundamental to effecting systemic change and making a positive impact for marginalized communities. The ideals of peace, justice, freedom, and dignity are tied together. Without one, the other three fail. By working to empower women and eliminate racism we can move closer to these ideals.

The YWCA is on a mission to empower women at all stages in their careers. Diversity in leadership is particularly vital to our vibrant business community in the Greater Topeka Area.

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Mindy Hardenbrook | YWCA Women of Excellence

Mindy Hardenbrook | YWCA Women of Excellence

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Phelica Glass | YWCA Women of Excellence