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Reed Dental Center Team Provide Oral Hygiene Presentations to Students

Reed Dental Center Team Provide Oral Hygiene Presentations to Students

Staff from the Topeka-based Reed Dental Center treated kindergarten students at McCarter Elementary School to some lessons on oral hygiene as part of National Dental Hygiene Month.

Dr. David Reed and his staff presented to classrooms on topics such as proper brushing and flossing. Dr. Reed has a special connection to McCarter Elementary- it’s the same elementary school he attended as a child. “I always want to support Topeka and the people of my hometown. One way I could give back directly was by teaching kindergarten students at the elementary school I went to as a child how to properly brush and floss their teeth as part of National Dental Hygiene Month,” said Dr. Reed.

In addition to the presentations, Dr. Reed’s team gave out 59 hygiene kits to go home with students, as well as educational materials for their parents.

For staff at McCarter, bringing in Dr. Reed and his team allowed their students to interact with professionals from the community. “It was great to work with the teachers and principal at McCarter Elementary School to make this event happen for their students,” said Dr. Reed. “Also, I have a much greater appreciation for the hard work our teachers put into teaching their students.”

Dr. Reed’s outreach is the latest in his office’s efforts to give back to the community and specifically his hometown. Last week, the office donated toothbrushes to “Be Filled of South Topeka,” a nonprofit dedicated to providing meals, clothing and necessities to those in need in the Topeka community. Dr. Reed expressed that efforts like these are part of his “hope to make an impact on the lives of those in my community through the skills and knowledge I have as a dentist.”

Mighty Beast Coffee Roaster Now Open for Coffee, Espresso, and Fresh-Roasted Beans

Mighty Beast Coffee Roaster Now Open for Coffee, Espresso, and Fresh-Roasted Beans

EnvistaCares Challenge Results Announced

EnvistaCares Challenge Results Announced