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Mulvane Art Museum: New Exhibitions Open for Spring 2022

Mulvane Art Museum: New Exhibitions Open for Spring 2022

Three new exhibitions open to visitors at the Mulvane Art Museum on the Washburn University campus for Spring of 2022. 

Whose America? features artworks that relate to the WUmester topic of “truth.” Curated by Dr. Madeline Eschenburg's 20th century art class, this exhibition explores how visual art has promoted, questioned, or flatly denied claims that systems of power based on capitalist democracy work for the benefit of all Americans. The United States became a global superpower around the turn of the 20th century. From that point forward, it has upheld the ideologies of capitalism and democracy as vital components for ensuring the success of the "American dream." During the 20th century, however, the United States also experienced many natural, political, social, and economic crises that posed challenges to this grand narrative of American exceptionalism espoused by American politicians on the world stage. 

American Farmer is an exhibition of portraits by award-winning American photographer Paul Mobley. This selection of iconic portraits demonstrates the geographic and cultural diversity of the American Farmer. This vivid portfolio is accompanied by anecdotes and memories in the farmers’ own words that are both a testament to their enduring hospitality and a moving glimpse into the hardships and joys of a quickly disappearing way of life—one that once defined our national identity and now struggles to remain vital. This exhibition is a program of ExhibitsUSA, a national division of Mid-America Arts Alliance with the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission and The National Endowment for the Arts.  

TRUTH -"Truth" most commonly refers to the property of being in accord with fact or reality. The social roles we inhabit and our personal identities and experiences inform what we accept as "true." Curated from the Mulvane Art Museum's permanent collection, this WUmester exhibition will explore the various meanings and definitions of "truth." How do power and privilege shape who gets to make truth claims? What forces affect which "truths" are heard and believed and which are hidden, ignored, or discredited?

The Mulvane Art Museum is open with restrictions (face masks and social distancing required) on the following days:  Tuesdays 12 to 7; Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 12 to 5, and Saturdays 12 to 4. ArtLab is temporarily closed to the public.

For more information, visit the Mulvane Art Museum website at: mulvaneartmuseum.org, call 785-670-1124, or email mulvane.info@washburn.edu.

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