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Chalicia Jones  |  YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

Chalicia Jones | YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

What inspires you to get up and do the work?
The people and the feeling I get from helping others because it’s the right thing do.

My children and grandchild. If I’m going to leave a legacy it’s to be great one. My nana did that 🙏

What have you learned about yourself through the challenges you have overcome?
I’ve learned that I bend but I don’t break. I’m Tonka toy tough. The challenges and mistakes only make you stronger and greater. You need them to be great. How else will you learn? I’m imperfectly perfect.

How do you take care of yourself?
My God does as well as weekly beauty appointments and regular dr appts

What is the best advice you've ever been given? Or what advice do you have for others?
The best advice I’ve been given is do things that are true to you, do it for yourself. Most things that I’m involved in are things I love, like people.

Have a high standard for yourself and integrity. Always hold your head high, find truth In what your doing and the rest comes natural… you’re doing exactly what’s meant to be.

What is your vision for our community? Has it changed through the pandemic and racial justice reckoning of recent years?
My vision that I have for the community is for us all to work together. For people that are in offices to come out and get involved. For them to see what I see - to come into poverty areas, take some of these 4am phone calls, get out the bed when someone’s shot. My vision is for the community to build trust with outreach programs, maybe even the police. Most importantly when people pass away, I would like to set something to help pay for funerals.

I would also like to bridge the gap where our healthcare is failing and have somewhere for the most difficult mental health residents to go.

The mission of YWCA is to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. What does YWCA's mission mean to you?
Exactly what it says eliminate racism empower women promote peace justice freedom and dignity for all that’s what it means to me exactly what it says 🙏

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Danielle Pettit  |  YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

Danielle Pettit | YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

Carole Cadue Blackwood  |  YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

Carole Cadue Blackwood | YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree