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Danielle Pettit  |  YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

Danielle Pettit | YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

What inspires you to get up and do the work?
My children inspire me to get up and continue moving forward.

What have you learned about yourself through the challenges you have overcome?
I’ve learned that it is okay to make mistakes. Mistakes are an opportunity to make improvements or to do something differently. I have also learned that it is okay not to follow the mold; bringing my differences to the table, and honoring others’ differences is a wonderful thing.

How do you take care of yourself?
I exercise daily, try to eat nutritiously and am currently participating in a mindfulness journey offered through my employer. I also read inspirational quotes and scriptures from a prayer group. The mindfulness journey and scriptures have been extremely helpful.

What is the best advice you've ever been given? Or what advice do you have for others?
The best advice I have been given is to look at things from a different perspective. Sometimes, in the moment, this is easier said than done, but once I have had time to process seeing things from a different point of view, it helps me see situations in a broader perspective.

What is your vision for our community? Has it changed through the pandemic and racial justice reckoning of recent years?
My vision for the community has remained the same throughout the years. I would like to help underserved groups of the community have access to education and mental health resources, healthy foods, and opportunities to improve their physical health. I see a community where everyone has an equal opportunity to pursue their goals, regardless of socioeconomic status. I see a community where we care for those who are less fortunate and establish training and tools for them to develop life skills so they can eventually take care of themselves and become respectable, responsible members of society.

The mission of YWCA is to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. What does YWCA's mission mean to you?
The YWCA’s mission is powerful. If we could all stop, and take the time to listen to each other with an open heart, that could go a long way to achieving the YWCA’s mission. Everyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, beliefs, etc., deserves the respect to be heard and the opportunities to pursue their dreams.

Back to Complete List of YWCA Women of Excellence 2022

Deb Yocum  |  YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

Deb Yocum | YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

Chalicia Jones  |  YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

Chalicia Jones | YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree