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Lauren Tice Miller  |  YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

Lauren Tice Miller | YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

What inspires you to get up and do the work?
I have always been a dreamer, but now as a mom, my children inspire me daily to keep working, keep fighting to make the world a better place. I am most passionate about public education because it is a cornerstone of our democracy. Everyone deserves an opportunity to receive an education – no matter who they are, no matter where they live, no matter how much money their family has, etc. – and to have opportunities to succeed.

What have you learned about yourself through the challenges you have overcome?
I have learned how to take breaks without quitting and how to celebrate even the smallest of victories.

How do you take care of yourself?
I like to listen to music, have dance parties with my daughters, and go on hikes

What is the best advice you've ever been given? Or what advice do you have for others?
“Fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

What is your vision for our community? Has it changed through the pandemic and racial justice reckoning of recent years?
I envision a community that creates opportunities to bring people together to have difficult conversations, to learn from each other, and to work together to find common ground. This is how we move forward, and make our community an even better place to live, work, and raise a family. Our children deserve that. We will never overcome our challenges by competing to be the loudest voices in the room.

The mission of YWCA is to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. What does YWCA's mission mean to you?
The YWCA’s mission means everything to me. It’s a big mission, but it captures everything that I care about, believe in, and work for every single day.

Back to Complete List of YWCA Women of Excellence 2022

L. Renee Anderson  |  YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

L. Renee Anderson | YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

Kristy Druse  |  YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

Kristy Druse | YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree