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Tracy Khounsavanh Killough  |  YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

Tracy Khounsavanh Killough | YWCA Women of Excellence Honoree

What inspires you to get up and do the work?
There is no shortage of inspiration. Everyday I'm inspired to do the work because the work needs done. I think of everyone working together to make our community an even better place and it pushes me to work even harder. I think of my children and the future of our community and work harder because we all deserve it. The need does not stop and I am committed to doing what I can with the tools that I have.

What have you learned about yourself through the challenges you have overcome?
I've learned I'm brave, smart, resilient and loved. I've learned I don't give myself enough credit. I've learned I'm worthy of the love I give away to others. I've learned my light deserves to shine.

How do you take care of yourself?
My act of self-care is to love myself first. While this seems like it would be intuitive it's actually quite difficult. Each day it's easy to fall into my role as a mother, an employee, a boss, a wife, friend, etc. It's easy to give to others and forget to give to myself. It's easy to stretch myself thin and abandon what's really best for me. I do the hard work when I love myself first. I show up for myself when I'm curious about my emotions and look beneath the surface of my fears and my desires. I honor myself when I protect my time and energy by saying "no", when I make time for rest, when I make time for play, when I make time for people who fill my cup, and when I make time for myself. For me, this kind of self-care is the work. When I show up authentically as myself without shame or fear of judgement, I give myself the gift of freedom and self-love. When we all show up this way it's a movement. The real work can start.

What is the best advice you've ever been given? Or what advice do you have for others?
Be yourself and shine your light.
Resist the urge to abandon yourself to follow the crowd.
Act with integrity.

What is your vision for our community? Has it changed through the pandemic and racial justice reckoning of recent years?
Topeka has become more vibrant over the years and reflective of the varied interests, cultures and identities within our community. There is still work to be done and it's exciting to think of the possibilities! My vision is this trend continues and Topeka will become even more of a welcoming place where everyone feels they belong, can contribute and will be celebrated for who they are.

The mission of YWCA is to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. What does YWCA's mission mean to you?
The YWCA's mission describes a world I long for and a world we all deserve. When someone lives without peace, without justice, freedom or dignity, we have failed each other. We must work together to build a world that says, "I see you, I support you, you are safe here."

Back to Complete List of YWCA Women of Excellence 2022

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