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Leadership Greater Topeka | Jarrod Guth

Leadership Greater Topeka | Jarrod Guth


What led you to this career?

My son was receiving services here at Capper Foundation and I saw the incredible work that they do daily. I've always been engaged in community efforts, and I wanted to be more involved in helping. Seeing a position that played to my strengths was the opportunity that I needed in order to be more involved.

What is one piece of advice that has served you well in your journey and who did you get it from?

My father helped me understand perspective. While it's not one piece of advice, it is how he lived his life. He taught me that there is never one side to the story. The dragon that was slayed by the knight saving the princess had a family as well.

What makes you unique?

Probably my sense of humor. At least others have mentioned that my love for the absurd and abstract are fairly unique. Comedy is subjective, so others may consider it unique, but with a raised eyebrow.

What are your biggest pet peeves?

The phrase "that's how it's always been done," rudeness, and Steve (he knows what he did).

What characteristics do you value most in your coworkers?

Teamwork, consistency, and communicative

What do you love most about your work?

Knowing that what I am doing helps improve lives of children and adults with disabilities

What is the most important part of your work?

Raising funds and awareness of what we do for those in our community. There are still many people who are not aware of the services we provide, that includes parents who just found out their child may have a disability.

What does a day in the life look like for you?

I work hard at getting communications out to businesses and some individuals in our community to help build partnerships. I work with many organizations to help raise funds for pediatric scholarships and programs for our children and adults. I am either sending emails, working on marketing pieces, upcoming fundraising events, or on the phone with business for the sake of building relationships and drive donations and partnerships.

How have you evolved and grown during your career?

I have evolved and grown for in every job or career that I have had. I try to always stay adaptable and ready to learn new things.

What 3 critical skills help you in your work?

Being personable, my investment and knowledge surrounding technology, and adaptability.

What do you wish someone had told you during your career journey?

Learn balance. It's okay to take time off to recharge and reset. I have a tendency to lose and not use time off which sometimes leads to burnout.

What is the biggest professional goal you have accomplished?

I don't set large overarching goals because I feel like those change. The biggest professional goal would be all the smaller goals that I have set and accomplished because they led me to another goal. Knowledge and experience are goals that I consistently work towards because they tend to lead to accomplishments.

What should one never take for granted?


What is your foundation?

To serve and help others that aren't in a position to help themselves.

What have you learned from the pandemic?

To slow down and really focus on things that matter.

What is non-negotiable for you?

Always give respect to others until proven otherwise. Always put your shopping cart in the designated area

What do you think the secret to a good life is?


What has been your biggest Aha! moment?

"Everything was made up by people that were no smarter than you" - Steve Jobs

What characteristic do you most admire in others and why?

Enthusiasm. I get excited when I hear others talk about their goals and plans. To hear someone get enthusiastic about the things in their life energizes me.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned?

That if something doesn't fulfill you in some way, you can make changes.

What are you grateful for?

My son.

What is one word you would use to describe yourself and why?

Challenging. I am constantly at odds with myself, always feeling the need to grow and be better, but that can't always be the case. At times I get after myself for resting or not doing enough, so it's a challenge to feel at peace sometimes.

Who is your greatest inspiration?

My son. Though he is frustrated by his disabilities, he continues to have a strong mind and attitude. He pushes me to work harder and not take my own abilities for granted.

What do you do for fun or to recharge?

Play music and spend time with friends

What are your strengths and why?

Sense of humor, adaptability, and creativity. All these strengths help in communications with others and have helped my personality be more appealing to others. They have all aided in the opportunities I have had in my life.

What are your core values?

Be kind and help those that need it most.

What is your leadership style?

Visionary - Progress focused and Inspirational

Who are your mentors and why?

No mentors per say but listening to others and hearing their stories are generally inspiring.

What are you an expert in?

"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one."

What motivates you?

Knowledge and social interaction

What’s the last series you binge-watched?

I don't get a ton of time to binge-watch much but have seen all but the last season of Better Call Saul. It's taken me a while though.

What is your favorite app and why?

YouTube. My son has started making videos, so we sit down and record and edit them together. I also enjoy YouTube for quick videos on music, comedy, woodworking, and technology reviews.

What do you collect? Why?

I am more of a minimalist and don't like too much clutter, so collecting isn't really my cup of tea.

What music artist do you never get tired of?

I jump around a lot so it's too difficult to say.

What would we mostly likely see you doing on a weekend?

Making YouTube videos with my son, hiking, or practicing/playing music.

Who would play you in a movie about your life?

As long as the movie about my life takes place in a jungle, I would say the Rock. I think he's in every movie now.

What is your most used emoji?

The nerdy glasses emoji.

If you could choose one superhuman ability, what would it be?

To possess the Power Cosmic like the Silver Surfer. Not only would that give me the ability to heal others of their illnesses, diseases, and disabilities, but I would get a sweet space surfboard to ride around on.

What book are you reading now?

Garth Marenghi's Terrortome. Like an onion it has layers upon layers of comedy genius, also the book smells bad and has made me cry.

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