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Leadership Greater Topeka | Janice Gilmer-Gentry

Leadership Greater Topeka | Janice Gilmer-Gentry


What is one leadership lesson you've learned in your career and what impact has it made on you? 
Being a good listener. Being a good listener allows leaders to see things from a variety of perspectives. It also creates an environment of trust and collaboration. Doing so allows people to feel comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions, which leads to creativity and innovation. 

What is one word you would use to describe yourself and why? 
Authentic. I strive, in all situations, to be my true self. Regardless of the situation, regardless of my personality, values and spirit, and regardless of the pressure to be something different, I make a valid attempt to be myself. Flaws and all. 

What are you grateful for? 
I'm most grateful for my family. We are culturally and economically diverse. This diversity keeps me in touch with the successes and challenges impacted by other in our communities. This forces me to see other perspectives firsthand.   

What do you love most about Topeka and why?  
Topeka is a caring and loving community. The leaders in this community are constantly looking for ways to improve the city socially, financially and artistically. The city has grown so much in the last 30 years.  

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Leadership Greater Topeka | Jill Martin

Leadership Greater Topeka | Jill Martin

Leadership Greater Topeka | Jason Smith

Leadership Greater Topeka | Jason Smith