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Washburn University School of Nursing to Host Golden Anniversary Celebration

Washburn University School of Nursing to Host Golden Anniversary Celebration

For a half century, Washburn University School of Nursing graduates have been providing care for patients in our region. Now, it is their turn to receive attention at a special celebration for the Washburn School of Nursing.

Washburn’s School of Nursing is hosting a 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner at 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, in the Washburn Room in the Memorial Union on the Washburn University campus. Guests will mark the school’s accomplishments and celebrate outstanding alumni.

“Anytime Northeast Kansans require medical attention, there is a good chance that a Washburn University Nursing graduate is helping to provide that care,” said Dr. JuliAnn Mazachek, president, Washburn. “We are so incredibly proud of our nurses and the outstanding work they do, serving patients in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities or the classroom. We look forward to celebrating their contributions to the lives of so many for 50 years.”

The celebration includes dinner, remarks by President Mazachek and Dr. Jane Carpenter, dean, Washburn School of Nursing, along with the first viewing of a video created specifically for the school’s golden anniversary. Tickets to the event are $25 each. While the entire community is invited to attend, Carpenter says she especially looks forward to welcoming alumni back to campus.

“In 1974, 55 students enrolled in Washburn University’s first nursing programs. Now, a half century later, we have sent more than 5,000 graduates into the health care field to fill vital roles in our communities,” said Carpenter. “And while we look forward to celebrating our rich history, we are excited to share bold plans for the future in preparation for another half century of nursing education excellence.”

For information about the 50th celebration, contact Dru Kasson at dkasson@wualumni.org or (785) 670.2261.

U.S. Congressman Estes to speak 2024 Manufacturing Summit

U.S. Congressman Estes to speak 2024 Manufacturing Summit

Stormont Vail Health Bariatric and Medical Weight Management Program  Achieves 500th Bariatric Surgery Milestone

Stormont Vail Health Bariatric and Medical Weight Management Program Achieves 500th Bariatric Surgery Milestone