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Boo-yah! What Navy SEALs know about training excellence

Written by Martha Bartlett Piland

MBPilandIn many companies, training is a low priority. But every high performance organization acts differently. They're the ones who become legendary.

Case in point: Navy SEALs. Here are 4 lessons they can teach every corporate leader:

1. the coaches have coaches

Everyone needs continuous coaching and training. A one-and-done mentality produces flash-in-the-pan results. For your company to go (beyond) the distance, everyone from top to bottom needs a coach.

C-suite: this means you, too. Be sure you're getting the coaching you need to make your vision of excellence filter all through your organization.

2. they take people from great, to average to really great  

One trainee says, "Where I came from, I was the best. Then I came to SEAL training and I realized I was only average in this group." SEALs go above-and-beyond to train their people to be better than they ever knew they could be. They become the very best of the best.

When you're hiring, look for the best. Then plan on challenging them even more—so they learn your Way, your Vision and your Brand. You'll both go further together than you could have alone.

3. great programs build camaraderie and chemistry

Online training and self-directed study can be elements of an overall program. But they can't do it all. Your team needs to train together and solve problems together. They'll build camaraderie and chemistry that help everyone get though the tough challenges and come out on the winning side.

"How do you guys feel? BOO-YAH!

4. give people the tools, then let individuals use them individually

A powerful training program brings out the hero in people. Of course you need specific guidelines and operational modes that are unique to your company. You also have to let people work through the mazes with their own talents.

Train and build their strength. Share the vision, then watch them take off. Their tactical executions will build your brand and amaze everyone.



See more at: http://www.mbpiland.com/blog/173-boo-yah-what-navy-seals-know-about-training-excellence#sthash.Ma8mvkkf.dpuf. 

Article by Martha Bartlett Piland, MB Piland http://mbpiland.com. 

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