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Cyber Security and Continuity Planning Workshop

Cyber Security and Continuity Planning Workshop

Part ICyber Security11:00- 12:00 Roughly 60% of cyber-attacks in the U.S. target small businesses. Cyberattacks negatively impact the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of data that organizations depend on to operate. Effective risk assessment, strategy development, planning and budgeting are critical to finding solutions to improve security and enhance business operations.

Part IIContinuity Planning12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Research shows that approximately 40 percent of businesses that close following a disaster never reopen. Protect yourself and your business with some simple preparation and planning that enable business life after disaster.

RSVP to Cris Millard at 785.234.3235 Or: https://ksbdc.ecenterdirect.com/events/23762 by March 26th

Lunch is Provided (Seminar is limited to 40 participants) Location: Topeka Chamber of Commerce 120 SE Sixth Avenue, Ste. 110, 2nd floor Board Room

Cyber security sponsor

Cyber security sponsor

Boy Scouts to Honor Larry & Anita Wolgast as Distinguished Citizens

Boy Scouts to Honor Larry & Anita Wolgast as Distinguished Citizens

Earl Kemper Named 2017 ActionCOACH Partner of the Year, International Award

Earl Kemper Named 2017 ActionCOACH Partner of the Year, International Award