
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Five Teams Advance to Finals Round in Pitch Competition

The knockout round of the Pitch Competition was held at Washburn University on October 15. Seventy-five teams had three minutes to present, or pitch, new business ideas to a panel of judges. The top five teams will advance to the finals round. The top five teams and their new business ideas are:

  • Scott Bucy, Alex Moorehead, and Matthew Palmer – Slumberalls, price-point novelty pajamas for children and adults
  • LeighAnn Defendorf, Christina Foreman, and Brista Robinson – ice-cream cone made with potato chips
  • Mark Feuerborn and Kaleb Marconette – non-traditional luthier business that specializes in crafting personalized cigar box guitars
  • Kristen Kogl – durable floss holder to assist in flossing teeth
  • Cassidy Wines – business that assists with the start-up of screen printing businesses in high schools to make business departments self-sufficient

The finals round will be held Thursday, October 29, in the Bradbury Thompson Alumni Center. The event begins with a banquet at 6 p.m. Reservations are required. For more information and to make reservations, contact Dr. David Price at 785-670-3258; david.price@washburn.edu.

Scott Gales, AIA is now President of Architect One

Changes for Chamber & GO Topeka