
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

First Job Series: Von Kopfman

First Job Series: Von Kopfman

First Job: Hay Hauler | Fred Sickler

11 | 15 cents per bale


Pick up small round bales with your hands and a hay hook (what a pain as they do not stack well like square ones do) load them on a moving trailer, then unload them into old chicken coops.”

Why did you choose this as your first job?

“I wanted money for parts for my bike and my father said, “I know how you can earn it.” He took me up the road to Fred’s and put me to work.”

What memory pops into your head about your first job?

“The reward and joy of earning my own money.”

What life lesson did you learn from this job?

“First lesson: Saving. My mother and father insisted that I save one third of what I earned. Second lesson: You can accomplish anything if you work hard and have a good attitude. Third lesson: There can be joy in any job regardless of how dirty, hot, or hard, if you look for it.”

What advice would you give to a kid starting their first job?

“Be true to your word, show up on time ready to work. Have a positive attitude. If there is a pause in the action, pick up a broom.”

First Job Series: Brett Oetting

First Job Series: Brett Oetting

First Job Series: Greg Fox

First Job Series: Greg Fox