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Remote Leadership Strategies

Remote Leadership Strategies

Paul Bossert, CPC
Premier Employment Solutions and Key Staffing

In light of our current economic situation, many companies have been flexible allowing employees to work from home which has helped them avoid loss of business and continue to provide a high level of customer service. Working from home, however, can also present some difficulties and the current COVID-19 pandemic has only increased those challenges. From an employer standpoint we must adapt to leading remotely. The employer should play an active role in setting up the structured environment just as they would in the office.


Helping employees to define a dedicated workspace and set a schedule, as well as encouraging them to setup guidelines and expectations for roommates, spouses or children is important in eliminating distractions. Getting into the working mindset may be hard for some employees who are used to their in-office routine. It is helpful to encourage them to continue their typical routine of getting ready for the day and heading to the home office—sticking to a strict timeline every day.


Communication is vital to working remotely. Having an internal chat software or app is important for work related communication; however, encourage employees to pick up the phone more. The isolation of working from home can cause feelings of disconnect and loneliness. 

Team Building

Team building can be a struggle when everyone is in separate locations. Although we want employees to stay focused, we also want them to feel like a team. Encouraging personal socializing with co-workers just as they would in the office can help to maintain positive work relationships. Conducting creative team building activities during your online meetings can also be helpful. Online meetings with numerous people can easily be dominated by a handful of individuals, so it is important to pause the conversation and encourage those that haven’t spoken to take a turn. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback afterwards.


Monitoring productivity can be more or less of a challenge depending on each employee. As an employer it’s important to make reporting and check-ins mandatory. It will help with communication, leadership, and accountability. Take the time to learn how each individual operates in a positive, healthy, and productive way and adapt your leadership style to each employee. This may be an important time to think about doing personality profiling to better understand each person.


Training remotely can present challenges; however, it is important to continue periodic training and ongoing brainstorming sessions. Including employees in discussions regarding company policies and goals is a great way to keep them engaged and feel valued. Additionally, this is a great time to seek out new and unique online training opportunities to break up the daily routine, resulting in increased employee engagement and less negative effects caused by boredom and repetition.


Lastly, stay positive and encouraging. Continue to highlight and give praise to everyone, even to those you don’t think need it. It will go a long way.


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