
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Helping Others Support Topeka

Helping Others Support Topeka

Photos by Emma Highfill, Rose Wheat Photography

By anyone’s account, COVID-19 health concerns, closures and cancellations have made 2020 a challenging year. For Topeka’s small businesses—employers and employees alike—the economic and emotional toll has been particularly difficult. Anticipating the anguish and swift loss of income small businesses would experience as they complied with state stay-at-home orders, two local businessmen, Scott Hunsicker and Lance Sparks, joined forces to create the HOST (Helping Others Support Topeka) gift card campaign. The innovative initiative administered by the Greater Topeka Partnership quickly cascaded into a complementary grant program, HOST 2.

TK looks at how HOST 1 and 2 programs evolved and introduces you to three recipients who were able to sustain their operations because of the community’s generosity.

Click the links below to read more.

The Initiators: Scott Hunsicker

The Administrator: Glenda Washington

The Recipients: Chuckburger

The Recipients: Cortez Transportation

The Recipients: Hanover Pancake House

Remote Leadership Strategies

Remote Leadership Strategies

The Initiators: Scott Hunsicker

The Initiators: Scott Hunsicker