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Halloween Safety Tips From Topeka ER & Hospital

Halloween Safety Tips From Topeka ER & Hospital

Melina Keithly, D.O., emergency medicine physician at Topeka ER & Hospital, is sharing some safety advice to help Topekans celebrate an injury-free Halloween this week.

“The most-common Halloween-related injuries we treat each year are acute cuts to the fingers, hands and even arms from carving jack-o'-lanterns,” Dr. Keithly says. She cited a recent report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission that found 48% of Halloween-related injuries during the past three years involved pumpkin carving.

“If you’re going to carve, a good way to keep your kids safe is to have the kids design the pumpkins but leave the knife use to adults,” Dr. Keithly says. “Another great option is to use non-toxic paints or markers for pumpkin decorating.”

She advises that if parents do allow their children to do the carving, it should always be done under adult supervision.

Dr. Keithly said the CPSC also reported that 27% of Halloween-related injuries were from falls involving hanging decorations, tripping on costumes, and walking while trick-or-treating.

“As adults, we can be super-focused on making sure our kids are safe but then neglect our own safety, especially when using a ladder,” Dr. Keithly says. “Take your time, have someone hold the ladder to steady it, and have them hand you the decorations so you aren't climbing up and down a lot.”

On costume safety, to help prevent trips and falls she advises parents to make sure their children's costumes fit well and don't drag on the ground. She also recommends that parents ensure their trick-or-treaters have adequate vision through their costumes.

“Even if you're escorting your kids around the neighborhood, if they have trouble seeing where they're going they could injure themselves on porch steps, uneven sidewalks or even yard decorations,” says Dr. Keithly. She also recommends all trick-or-treaters carry a flashlight and have some reflective tape on their costumes so they stand out to drivers.

As for the annual stories of candy with needles, razor blades or other nefarious additions, Dr. Keithly says that actual incidents of tampered candy are nearly nonexistent. However, she does advise parents to sort through their children's candy haul for other reasons.

“Looking through the treats is a great way to remove any pieces your kids might be allergic to or could pose a choking hazard for them,” she says. “And if you have a sweet tooth, it’s also a sneaky way to snag a few pieces of candy for yourself.”

For those with concerns about COVID transmission, Dr. Keithly recommends handing out treats outside rather than at the door.

“If you want to take COVID precautions, instead of waiting inside for trick-or-treaters to ring your doorbell, switch to your porch or driveway to greet them and maintain social distance,” she says.

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