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Westar Energy Donates $15,000 to YE

Westar Energy Donates $15,000 to YE

The grant was presented to YE at Southeast High School on Sept. 24, by Westar Energy’s Ebony Clemons, community relations; Don Sherman, VP community relations and strategic partnerships; and Jeff Beasley, VP customer service. “Teaching entrepreneurship better prepares students for their future career and educational endeavors, and Westar Energy’s generous contribution will greatly benefit Youth Entrepreneurs students as they pursue their goals,” said Rachel Janes, YE development officer. “We want to extend our sincere gratitude to Westar Energy for its continued support.”

The grant will support numerous 2016 YE initiatives in Topeka, including:

  • Topeka Business for Breakfast, a speakers’ tour held annually in Kansas City, Topeka and Wichita to benefit the 1,200 (primarily at-risk) students YE serves each year.

  • Topeka Dare to Dream, a motivational business workshop inspiring students’ success beyond high school.

  • Topeka BizConnect, a semiannual event that brings the entrepreneurial community and YE supporters together for an evening of learning and networking.

  • YE classrooms in the Westar Energy service area, including supplies and direct program costs.

“Westar Energy has partnered with YE since 2013, exposing students to career possibilities in the energy industry,” said Clemons. “We’re proud to contribute to YE and grow our community’s future business leaders.”

To learn more about Youth Entrepreneurs, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.  http://www.facebook.com/youthentrepreneursKansasandMissouri     @YEKansas https://www.youtube.com/user/YouthEntrepreneursKS

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